Native, Multilingual Teachers

In our online language school, we have excellent teachers with extensive experience in language teaching. In this article, we introduce Charlotte, Katarzyna and Juanje, who are multilingual and highly qualified in teaching of French, English and Spanish, respectively.

Charlotte, French Teacher (co-founder of Exploralingua)

«My name is Charlotte, and I come from Lyon, France. Despite having pursued a science-oriented high school education, I have always been fascinated by languages and cultures, which inspired me to move to the United States at the age of 18 to improve my English before starting my university studies. Upon my return, I initially studied international business. However, I soon realized that my true passion lay in teaching and interacting with others around languages and cultures. Consequently, I obtained a degree in philology and a master’s in language didactics and teaching.

After spending a year in Colombia, in South America, I decided to settle in Granada, in southern Spain, and establish my online language school.

I am a dynamic and cheerful person, and what enriches me most about this job is the contact with my students.

In my free time, I enjoy playing the piano, hiking, and playing volleyball.»

Katarzyna, English Teacher (co-founder of Exploralingua)

«Hello, my name is Katarzyna (Kasia for short), and I have been teaching English since 2013. Throughout my teaching career, I have had the pleasure of working with a diverse range of students from various countries, including Spain, Poland, the United Kingdom, and Ireland. Languages have always been a great passion of mine. I hold a Master’s and Bachelor’s degree in English Philology, and I am also CELTA certified (from the University of Cambridge).

Having taught children, teenagers, and adults, I have developed excellent communication skills that allow me to understand my students’ needs, abilities, and challenges as language learners. In my classes, we not only focus on learning English, but we also have a great time together, as I believe that enjoyment is a key factor in effective learning.

In my free time, I love to travel, hike, and practise meditation. One topic that I am particularly passionate about is emotional intelligence. I lived in the UK but for the last 10 years it has been Spain and while I have lived in different regions, my heart belongs to the south and so I decided to make Granada my current home.»

Juanje, Spanish Teacher

«Hi, my name is Juanje, and I am from Granada. My passion for languages has been a constant in my life, which led me to study Translation and Interpretation and explore opportunities in countries like Ireland, the United Kingdom, the United States, and China. In 2011, I moved to England to work as a Spanish language assistant, and I absolutely loved it. Since then, my teacher training has been a priority for me. I have completed various specialization courses and a master’s degree in language teaching and didactics.

Over the years, I have taught Spanish both online and in-person, working with people from diverse backgrounds and profiles. I believe that when I’m in the classroom, I strive to give my best. I am demanding, but at the same time, I believe that teaching should have a touch of humour, and I love trying new dynamics with my students, including gamification as an educational strategy.

Apart from teaching, I love plants, board games, and sustainable fashion.»

Julia, french Teacher

My name is Julie and I come from Béziers, a small city in the south of France. I have always been passionate not only about languages and different cultures but also about teaching. So, naturally, I started a degree in Spanish philology with the desire to become a Spanish teacher.

However, in the second year of my studies, one of our professors (my favorite one) introduced us to the studies of French as a Foreign Language (FLE) and I was fascinated by it! It was more than clear to me that I was going to become an FLE teacher in Spain!

After completing Masters in Cultural Studies (Spanish) and didactics in French as a Foreign Language, in 2006, I embarked on the adventure and went to Spain to pursue my dream.

Over the years, I explored Spain (and a part of Texas, but that’s another story…) going through Castilla-La Mancha and Galicia, before staying for a long time in Madrid to gain extensive experience in teaching French.

Finally in 2018, I tried the south of Spain and ended up settling in Granada to start a new adventure with the French Alliance and become an Examiner-Corrector of the official French exams (DELF-DALF and TCF).

During my varied career as a teacher, I taught all levels (from A1 to C2) in various places (university, schools, language academies, companies and private individual classes). I hope to convey my passion for teaching to my students and allow them to discover and appreciate the beauty of the French language and the richness of the Francophone culture.

I am truly passionate about teaching; I try to ensure that my students enjoy lively and fun classes and benefit from my experience and professionalism so that they can achieve their goals.

In my free time, I love traveling, dancing, theatre, reading, cooking… and cats!

Comentarios y reviews de las clases con Exploralingua.

«Estoy muy agradecido a esta web y en especial a Kasia, una magnífica profesora que utilizando toda clase de recursos pedagógicos y sobre todo su buen hacer y capacidad de identificar tus necesidades para aprender, entender y comunicarte en inglés. Sobresaliente en todo. Muchas gracias.»


«Tuve el placer de ser alumna de Kasia por varios meses y pude comprobar cómo tiene un don natural para la enseñanza. Sus clases fueron muy amenas y a la vez enfocadas en lograr mi objetivo. Se pudo adaptar muy fácilmente a mis necesidades y se nota que está familiarizada con muchos métodos y herramientas de enseñanza que aplica según cada circunstancia. Además, logra que te sientas cómoda en las clases (nos reímos mucho), y a la vez que te corrige, te hace ver tus fortalezas para que las aproveches y aprender inglés se vuelva un proceso divertido y estimulante.»


«Clases amenas y divertidas donde aprendes sin darte cuenta y una teacher siempre dispuesta a ayudar. 100% muy recomendable.»


«Kasia es una magnífica profesora, llevo más de 5 años asistiendo a sus clases y siguen siendo dinámicas, motivadoras, originales y muy amenas. Es un placer aprender inglés con su metodología. Totalmente recomendable.»